Thursday, September 23, 2010

School days!

Yes, we finally did start school! And it has been a blast. I LOVE that my kids are so excited to have school! Makes it a lot easier on me :-) Aryna begged me to start in the beginning of Aug. I just had too much CBS stuff to do! I couldn't do it! So we FINALLY started after Labor day! Wyatt loves learning and "doing school"! That TUesday we were starting, he woke up early with Ray. While they were in the kitchen he asked for some juice, "but in a sippy cup please dad, so I can take it to school". Ray told him the school was held right where he was sitting. "oh" he said. He is doing really well and enjoying himself. Ray and my Dad think he might be able to write before he can talk were people understand him. :-) I just think he is GREAT! Aryna is just flying though. She is doing great. At first it seemed as though she had forgotten EVERYTHING she had ever learned......but is in now ALL coming back to her. I LOVE it! I am so proud of her!!

We also do Co-op on Fridays. Wyatt had sign language, snack and P.E. and story time. Aryna has science, P.E. and Sign Language. (a funny note on the sign language, I am teaching in both of their classes....learning with them....haha) Aryna is also taking an Art class at teh Art museum on Mondays and Ballet on Fridays!

Here are some pictures of them sporting their new backpacks.

I am alive!!!

Okay, so 3 1/2 months isn't too bad........hahaha...for not posting on my blog! So I thought I would.
We got to spend some time with my dad and Grandparents in New Mexico over the 4th. We had a great time!
July was filled with 250 kids and 5 days of crafts at VBS in Tucson with my mommy. We had a great time, went swimming everyday, it got to 110 degrees, we went to the desert museum, and the wildlife museum, build a bear (of course) and spent great times with friends!!

August flew by way to fast. I am the Children's Director now for CBS (Community Bible Study) so I was busy this month training my teachers and getting everything ready for it!
It has been going great! We have 51 kids registered and have been averaging 48 every week! What a blessing seeing these children grow every week! I LOVE them.
Then that pretty sums it up for those months.....