Saturday, September 19, 2009

Been a while!

I just realized how long it has been since I have posted a new blog. My mom got here safely except for the deer she hit 15 mins from San Angelo, and the $3500 on damage to her car (actually my sisters car :-)
What a blessed time I had with her! I miss her so much and cherished every minute with her. It was fun for her to see how my life runs. Usually she come during Christmas and we don't really have things going, but with home schooling, CBS (Bible Study) and Home school Coop, she really saw how my life runs. haha...and I will never forget taking her to Micheal's, just to look.....She, this is what you do huh? :-) Yes mom, this is what I do. She is use to working all day at a church in Tucson and only really going to stores like that to get supplies for the children's department. But, I think she enjoyed herself. I know we all loved having her here!!! And wish she could just move here! Maybe someday it will happened.
As for now, I need to focus more on Aryna's school (since I slacked a little while mom was here), get ready for an open house and a craft show, texture my bathroom, and maybe paint it if I can decide on a color. But definitely get it textured soon!
I am in the process of trying to get organized. I brought in a book shelf thing I had in the garage and my sweet mommy bought me some photo boxes to put all my business cards (Please don't ask how many different ones I have....Okay, I will admit I have a problem!!), post cards, note cards, make-n-takes, ribbon and other junk I have for Uppercase Living. I feel good having that part of my life organized, and someday will have school organized to....hopefully! I want Ray and Dave to build be some storage, so we will see how that goes down....or if it ever does!
Well, it is rather long, but here is an update on my life :-)