Monday, February 23, 2009


I am sick still! has been over two weeks now. I have to get better to finish party stuff and Aryna's room. Going to the Dr. in an hour. My throat hurts more then i have ever thought it could, both ears HURT and I haven't slept for 5 night now and my, my eye? I think this is the sickest I have ever been!
Shot me now....I told Ray to, but he said no. But I have faith that today is a turn around and I am going to get some awesome medicine from the Dr. not to mention God IS healing me.

Monday, February 16, 2009

More goat pictures

Here are a few more goat pictures. The kids LOVE their goats and play with them every day. Here is sneak peak of Aryna's room. It is starting to come a long a little now. Diane took the fabric home and is going to start working on the bed skirt, shams and curtains! I am waiting for the chandelier and quilt and drawer knobs to come in the mail. Can't wait till that all gets here. And Dave and Ray are going to start her shelves this week. Yay. It WILL come together. And MAYBE even in time for her birthday.
As for the mural, I am going with one of Amanda's ideas and doing a really big picture of Aryna and Cupcake and cutting it in fourths and putting it in four frames....kind of like a mosaic. I thought this would grow with her more and we can change the picture every year or so as she grows. So I am waiting for that to come in the mail also! yay!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Welcoming our newest additions

This is Wyatt, and who we now call Goof Ball. Goof Ball and his two sisters (pictures are to come!) were born on Wed. Goof Ball wasn't able to stand and we didn't believe he had gotten any milk, so some friends from church came over at 10 at night and we feed him some colostrum and formula. They didn't think the mommy, Sugar had very much milk so we decided to bottle feed him. We call him Goof Ball because when he was learning how to eat he would stick his tongue out on the side. It was really goofy. Anyhow, he got to sleep inside that night and woke me up at 4 to feed him. He is the sweetest thing. That next day I took him out with his mom and sisters and he started eating like he knew how. So they are all out with their mommies and seem very healthy. More pictures to come!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Aryna's room

Started her room on Monday, took me from them till last night to clear and clean it out! Thew Lots away and have yard sale boxes. This morning I am painting....PINK....and it is PINK. Arnya picked the color called Fairytale Pink and she loves it, I mean loves it. So, I am hoping to finish painting today and then I need to paint her dresser and stool and so forth...oh and then....then her and cupcake on her wall......yes, she wants ME to paint her and her pony Cupcake on her wall....ME.....ugh. So, I will try it for my daughter!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Okay, January is GONE!

Wow, can you believe it? I had a great month. I went fast!
Well, February is here. Now it is time to finish Aryna's birthday invitations, and work on her party favors. All 18 or so of them. She keeps on thinking of more and more people to invite! So, the list goes on and on and I am not sure what I am thinking making what I am making, but I just hope they turn out as cute as they are looking in my head. I am going to have to recruit lots of Kassie help. I am forever thankful for that creative girl! Pretty sure my dad is coming for her party. So that is exciting! Oh and then the cake.....I will worry about that later!
So, this week we went to Lewisville and got to spend some time with Steph and the kids. We all had a great time! Thanks to Steph I never had to drive...I am not a big fan of all those cars.
My high school friend Becky is coming to town tomorrow, so I am excited about that! It will be great to catch up a little.