Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bathroom update

The kids love helping their Uncle

We have the tub in and Dave is mudding. We might get tile soon!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just having fun!

Aryna tring the bracelt on

The picture isn't great but it sayd Abi.
Sorry for the glare.

In school, Aryna is learning about friendship this week. We were suppose to make a friendship bracelet for a friend. Well, it suggested using the ABC beads which I thought I had, but couldn't find so I thought I would think outside of the box. So, This is the bracelet we ended up making with a computer, scrapbook paper, bottle caps and mod podge. Thought it turned out cute, and now Aryna wants one of her own.

This weekend

Well, we have had this drip....okay, LEAK in our hall bathroom for a few weeks. I am talking one that filled up a gallon in 10 mins. Not looking forward to seeing that water bill! Anyhow, we have fixed it a few times, but finally decided to tear the whole thing out! Thanks to my handy brother Dave and Ray it is coming together! Here is the bathroom on Sat. Now the tub and sheet rock are in and we will begin tiling maybe tonight! SO exciting! Yes, I will be repainting and the floors, toilet and sink and stuff will all be redone, but not this week! After we save some more money! haha

Monday, March 23, 2009

Place Mats

Thanksgiving Turkey mats

Christmas Angel and Reindeer Mats

Wyatt's "Puppy" mats
(Kind of looks like a puppy)
After all, it is made from only feet and hands!

Aryna's Butterfly. I love this one!

Thought I would post some pictures of some cute place mats the kids, Steph and I make with their hand and foot prints. I thought they turned out cute.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This is how we roll

Holding our new baby goat, Miley.

Yes, that is my cowboy!

The two posing for the camera.

The cutest kids ever. No pun intended:-)

Going out to see the new kid. So cute!
My personal favorite.

Okay, so we are not very formal at our house, as you can see. I should have put some clothes on Wyatt and maybe helped Aryna pick a better outfit....but hey, we all have days like this.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Party Favors

These are the party favors I made for Aryna's birthday party. I made 24 of these. Thanks to Kassie I was actually able to finish them in time. I made small ones for the little kids and the big ones for the bigger kids.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It is done! Well, mostly. Still want to put up some of my Uppercase Living expressions in there, so when I get them up I will post pictures, but this is it for now. The curtains and skirt and shams and pillows were all hand made by the great Diane and Stephanie. I think everything turned out very nice, and most of all........ she loves it!

Birthday Party

One hour before her 5th birthday party, Aryna gets a fever of 101.7 under the arm. ugh...She doesn't want to cancel, but doesn't want to wake up either, so I let her sleep until people start showing up, hopping she will be okay. The Tylenol kicks in, she gets dressed and has a great time with her friends. Yay! SHe had a great 5th birthday party after all!

Rodeo Princess

She is the one in the white.

She really is down there, I just have a junkie camera!

Her and her bro. before the Rodeo

On Thursday night, Aryna was Rodeo Princess at the Rodeo. She stood out in the arena and looked beautiful while the mutton busting (kids ridding sheep) was going on. That was her job.
I didn't get any god pictures, but here is the best I got.