Friday, January 23, 2009

Where has January gone?

I feel like it just flew away. But I feel like it has been a good month generally. My best friend, Steph and Cam got home safely form China. God answered some prayers and reminded my what a power full and awesome God he is. I really should need to be reminded! But he did! Aryna is doing great in school and getting better at reading and can now count in 10's, 5's and 2's. She gets so excited! Wyatt is really starting to talk now and put lot of words together and I can even understand most of it. Other might not be able to though. God is blessing Ray at work and he is taking some classes online for more certifications and we get to go to Lewisville the first week of Feb. to take a test for the certifications. And we get to go with him and spend some time with the Stanges'! We are all excited.
I hope your January is going well also!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good times

I had a wonderful holiday. My mommy was in town. We went to parties, had parties, enjoyed parties. Christmas morning I got to wake up to what Santa brought, and my beautiful children, and see their faces, and my husband, and my bro Dave, and Kassie, and my mommy, and Will. I felt so special to have so much family around me. It is kind of bitter sweet. It is hard being away from our other family. My daddy and Step mom and Grandparents and Ray's parents and sister. What I would give to have everyone together. But for now we take what we can have and enjoy every moment of it.
I had such a blessed time with my mommy. I enjoyed every moment of it a savored it!
This week we tried to get our lives back in order. We started school and have had a good week. Aryna learned to count by fives and thinks it is so much fun. She has practice for cheerleading tomorrow night and her first game on Sat. She said she is getting nervous. How cute is that!
Wyatt is doing great with his potty training. I guess he really isn't in training anymore. He is flying high in big boy unders and has been for at least two months now.
So for this new year.....I wish to......
  • spend time daily in His Word
  • learn His Word
  • be a better mother
  • the best mother I can be
  • no more yelling
  • keep my house cleaner
  • be the best wife I can....give 100% to my marriage
  • be the best freind I can be.....all of my friends deserve that!
  • and tons more things.....but why bore you
And I haven't even metioned that I am really missing my friend who likes to travel the world without me. I got to talk to her today and I was so giddy inside. I miss you Steph! She comes home on Monday. Can't wait to hear everything!
So, my life is full of joys and goals I wish to meet this year. I hope yours is too!