Friday, September 26, 2008

School days

Just an update on school.
  • It is gonig GREAT. Aryna is a great student, eager to learn.
  • Aryna is starting to read. It was the neatest moment when I saw her eyes lite up as the sounded out a word, then actually "read" it. She smiled so big and yell, "Mommy, I am READING!" Wow, what joy and accomplishment. And I got to be there for it all.
  • We are loving being in the Home School Coop. It tends to be Aryna's highlight of the week. As she can't wait for Friday, becasue she gets to go to real school.....And I ask...what have we been doing all week??
  • Coop is every Fri from 9:15-3:00 for us and in that time Aryna gets to take a Characters class, where they learn manners and to obey and fun stuff like that, P.E., Spanish class, and Ballet. She has a blast.
  • I had to take this picture of the kids this morning as we were headed out the door to coop. Wyatt had to have a backpack on just like sister. They grow way too fast.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Okay, I couldn't wait.

I had to put up my fall decorations. I just wanted it to feel more like fall. Last week it was looking that way and my air didn't click on once, but this week it isn't as cool. The air is one right now. Oh well...Thought I would post a few of my decorations. The pumpkins I did with Uppercase Living letters. I had a lot of fun. I also am making a sign that says "spooky". I will post a picture when I get it done. And the wreath is one I just made for good old fall! The picture on the amour says Harvest in copper and i put some scrapbook paper behind it. It is very cute, but i couldn't get a good pic of it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Is Fall in the air?

Is Fall in the air? I think I feel it coming. We have had cooler weather the last couple days, and I feel a little tickle in my throat, like I might be getting sick or allergies. Yes, I do believe that Fall is on it's way. Leaves are begin to change color, although at my house that color is not beautiful oranges and reds, just browns. I just love fall. Don't you?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A New Week, A New Door, kind of

Well, this is a start to another new week. And I pray that God will bless and guide me this week in school, as a mommy, and as a wife. We had a great Labor day weekend, just hanging out with the kids, Dave and Kassie, and Will and Amanda. Amanda came down for the weekend. Aryna loves her Aunt, but she did say, while sitting in Will's lap, that she doesn't like it when Aunt Amanda come, because she takes Will away form her. So, Will made sure he knew he loved her and danced with her. Aryna says he is now her new dance partner.
Ray and I also tackled cleaning out the garage this weekend. We need a storage unit, but for now, it sure looks a lot better. I also had Ray paint my front door because it was getting bad and I wanted to add a Welcome expression to it for my open house. Well, the painting didn't go too well because I thought he was a little better at spray painting then that. hehe, but it will work for now and only really looks really bad at certain angles. haha. So I enclosed a picture of my door with my expression and new wreath I made. I have decided that I would like to have a wreath for every holiday season or month. We will see how that goes.