Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Good Old days

Had a great day with my best friend today. Just like the old days. Good times. Don't you wish sometimes that things could be like they were. Only on certain things. But there are a few on my list. Things that I just miss, people that I just miss, times, that I just miss. So I say, cherish today and make some good memories out of everything!
So, thank you Stephanie for a great the good old days.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

God given, time tested truths...

As I read my devotion today watching the rain fall and admiring my beautiful kids, I read about some "God given, time tested truths" and just really thought about how true they are.
  • Love God more then you fear hell
  • When no one is watching, live as if someone is (one of my favorites...even when we think someone isn't watching, there usually is)
  • Succeed at home first
  • Don't spend tomorrow's money today (If only more people would live by this...)
  • Pray TWICE as much as you fret!
  • and lastly.... God has forgiven you; you'd be wise to do the same (not as easy as it sounds sometimes....and sometimes WAY easier then it sounds!
These are defiently things I want to work on in my life to make it better for God, me and my family. I want to be a better person and strive to be more like God.

"Honor God and obey his commands, because this is all people must do." Ecclesiastes 12:13

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Today, at 7 our time, Ray and I will have been married for 9 years. I was 18 years old, just a baby it seems now. When I look back as to what our lives have become, I couldn't be happier! I am married to the most unselfish, loving, caring, sweet, charming, handsome man. God made him just for me! I love you Raymond Paul! Happy 9th Anniversary!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Puppies are gone....and a bunch of other stuff

We had a yard sale on Fri and Sat. We got a rid of a lot of stuff.....but not enough. I was sick most of the weekend and Ray had a have the sale mostly by himself. I was so pound of my man who doesn't talk to people. He actually said HI to people! Anyhow, we went from 4 puppies to none in one was sad. Wyatt cried his eyes out when a lady pick HIS puppy first to go. He cried for about an hour saying "I want MY puppy" or something close to that in his language (which sounded pretty close to that!) So we are puppyless now too. Hard, but nice not having to feed 8 dogs!
Have a great week!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Puppy days

Wyatt and Aryna are madly in love with our 6 puppies. Every time I turn around they have one in their arms. Aryna even puts her doll clothes on them sometimes. Aryna has cried a few time, just thinking about having to give them away. It is going to be hard....but next week they are ready to go. We do have homes for 2 and maybe 3 of them.....but it is still hard.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


There just isn't much to post about lately. The weather has been raining and cloudy and luckly in the 80's or low 90's... a big change from the week before when it was above 100 every day. Today it has been raining since we woke up. Hummm.....what to do.... Well, Aryna decided since she can't really go outside and play, why not color with chalk in the house on the living room floor. what will Wyatt find to do? Not sure I want to know :-)
Anyhow, Uppercase Living has been going great. I have had quite a few open houses lately and I am meeting so many new awesome people. That is why I starting selling it and it is really paying off money wise and in the friend aspect too. I have a lot of fun. If you don't no what I am talking about...check out my wed site
We have a lot of neat things. And if you are looking for a way to earn some extra money and meet some really neat people....this is something you can do too. Oh, yes....and if you would like to earn free products, or just want an excuse to get the gang all together for a night of fun....have an open house!
We are starting to get excited about the up coming school year. I need to start getting my hinney in gear and start preparing!
I hope you all have a good day. And if you are in the rain, try to enjoy it! We do need it here after all!