Monday, November 24, 2008


My friend is in town and coming to play tomorrow! YAY!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sleepy Heads

Last night Ray read a book to Aryna and Wyatt, and this is how the two boys ended up. I had to take a picture of my two handsome men.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Okay, I finally gave in and went to the Dr. today. I just hate spending the money and I know that sounds silly, but I really thought I was getting better. But after a few weeks of not feel too good and one week of being REALLY sick, i couldn't take it anymore. I got two hinnie shots and an antibiotic, allergy med. and cough med. Goodness. It seems as though my allergies have gotten away from me. And I think this is the start of my allergy season, so I will be taking my allergy med EVERYDAY. It is too hard being sick and be mom, teacher, wife, cleaner.....ext. So, I now feel like recovery is coming soon. Thank you Jesus. Isn't he awesome!

Friday, November 14, 2008


We are all a little sick and Aryna won't stop coughing so I have decided to call it a sick day and take a day off from everything. We need to rest before anyone gets sicker. So, today we will be lazy and REST. yay!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


His Hinney!

He just started this smile thing for the camera

This is Wyatt in his big boy underwear. He is the cutest thing ever. He is so proud of himself and makes me clap every time he goes. Then he puts a sticker on his chart. He just got these new unders last night. He LOVES the cars on them and says "voom voom" every time I pull them up. They are a little big, but that is the smallest they make them. But I think he is just the cutest. OKay, I will stop saying that. I am just so proud of him!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Wyatt has had a break though and has gone two days with out any accidents. He is learning when he has to go and now tells us ans runs to the potty. It has taken a week of really working on it and being very consistent, which i think is the key. But after this week, I think it has really payed off and I am such a proud mommy! My little boy isn't so little anymore. We are going to go to town today and see how it all works with this potty thing. eekk.....

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Me the "cowboy" and Ray the "golfer"

Our pumpkins we carved

Amanda and Will

The cutest family ever! Jason, Shyanne
and Baby Kylee

Shanna and Bryan.
They are so much fun!

And how cute are these two!
The "dork" and the "safari man"

Family Picture at "Trunk of Treats" at Church

The kids ready for "Trunk of Treats"

Bro Mike and Diane at the Party!

We celebrated Ray's 29th and Will's 22 birthday on Halloween with a little party at our house. We had a great time with family and friends. Thought I would post some pictures of our costumes. Kassie won the Costume contest and Jason and Caden won the Pumpkin Carving contest. I decided to be the "cowboy" this year so i dressed up in Ray's clothes, and Ray was a golfer, which is totally not him. SO, Happy Late Halloween and Happy Birthday my Love! I am so blessed to have this man in my life. I love you Raymond Paul!